Companies that require a very high level of quality and guaranteed capacities between two locations for carrying can opt for Euroweb’s synchronousleased line services.
Synchronous Leased Line is a data transport service through which a Layer 2 point-to-point connection over the synchronous PDH / SDH / DWDM Euroweb network is provided to the client.
Capacities start from as 2Mbps and can be as high as STM64(10Gbps) per service.
An extension to this service is EoSDH which upconverts the SDH circuit to an Ethernet line.
Main benefits of Synchronous Leased Line Service:
- Guaranteed bandwidth
- Large transport capacity
- Improved bandwidth management and service protection
- • Complete separation between client network and Euroweb’s network
- The customer has complete control over the carried type of traffic (voice, data, video streaming, etc) and how the traffic is structured
- The circuit can be delivered on multiple types of interfaces, depending on the technical specifications the client conducted, contracted capacity and technical solutions available;
- Fast and reliable implementation
- Professional Customer Care 24/7/365 – single point of contact for maintenance, support, change management and fault management
- Ticketing system available
- Fast intervention and fault recovery
- Customized solutions adapted to real needs for each customer
- Access to SLA levels required by the business
- End-to-end management.
Network diagram for services delivery: